Empowering high school soccer players to pursue that next step towards college

Kk Lonergan

Hi. I am an ECNL soccer player from Pleasanton Rage in Pleasanton, California. After going to some college soccer ID camps, and talking with teammates, I realize how expensive it is for players to attend these camps.

ID camps are the best way to be seen by individual schools. Without attending, it’s hard for college coaches to evaluate players to determine if they are a good fit for their program.

Too often I hear that players can’t afford registration and other associated costs. That’s why I came up with a way to help!


To give anyone who dreams of playing soccer in college the opportunity to showcase their skills at ID camps.

College soccer ID camps cost money. Out of 10 ID camps randomly selected in California in 2024, the average cost of registration is $185-and that’s just for one school. This doesn’t include additional travel costs. There are so many talented soccer players who never even get to go to college because they can’t afford ID camps. For many players, soccer is their best chance to get an education.

Fair shot is designed to take that barrier away, by paying for ID camp registrations for those who need the financial support.

How to apply:


To be eligible for consideration, please submit a 250-300 word essay to: fairshotscholarship@gmail.com.

The prompt: How will playing soccer in college impact you as a person?

Applications open: August 15th-October 10th, 2024

Award: $200

10 applicants will be selected by November 1st, 2024. Winners receive $200 a piece.

Submissions must include your club name and coaches email.

Good luck!

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